Our Story

The Ministry's Story

Who I am

Pastor Jonathan Sansom has been serving in local ministry for over 20 years, and is the third generation of ministers in his family.  Raised and trained in the local church, Pastor J has a driving passion to see the local community touched in a transformational way by the ministry of the local church. He has devoted many years to the outreach of the gospel beyond the walls of brick and mortar and the cross cultural and generational impact of the gospel as a life-giving power to those who receive it.

 Pastor Sansom has garnished success in networking with local leaders, state officials and the judiciary system in providing faith-based programs and initiatives for youth and families of delinquent youth and troubled families. He teaches from the approach that the family is God’s design of the perfect team. He is also known for his articulation of principles that are given to mankind for the success and prosperity of all according to the will of God.

Why I do this

It is a passion of mine to see individuals taught, trained and activated to succeed in the purposes God ordained for their lives.  Each person has been assigned a critical role in the place they currently exist.  Whether that place is in the professional realm, educational realm, political realm, entertainment realm, governmental realm, or financial realm.  In your current capacity whether a server in a restaurant, teacher in a class, soldier in the military or a governor of a state God has purposed to use your life to make an impact that will have eternal consequence for generations.  

First we must learn to value who we are more than what we do.  We must then realize that our purpose is directly linked to the relationships God has trusted us with and our position is the setting God has given us to develop those relationships that we influence and has potential to change the world.