Prophetic Word 10-24-2022

Heed my word the whole nation of you.  You are a holy nation who has abandoned its calling. You are a people who have removed yourselves from the station of your blessings. You call yourselves children of God and yet you do not obey Me. But your devotion is to the things of this world. Have I not said that judgement will begin with My house, says the Lord?  A light I have made you, but in darkness you hide yourselves. Salt I have called you to be, but you have lost your savory. In your hearts you have made me a subject of your desires, but I am He who created you. Every breath you breathe is at the command of My word and yet with your breath you mock Me.  You say with your mouth, I love God but your hearts are far from Me.  Your worship has become a noise in My ears, your prayers a stench to My nostrils and your testimony a false witness to all the nations. You have set your feet to the steps of deception because there is no love of the truth in you.  Will you also partake of the dreadful things I will command upon the earth?  Will tribulation befall you as with all people and every nation? My covenant cannot be broken, says the Lord, but My anger has been kindled. Do you not see the arrogance of your ways and the stubbornness of your hearts?  You dishonor Me with your deeds and blaspheme Me with your lips. Where are My people? Where are those who are sons and daughters to Me? Have they forsaken their Father? Have they departed from My goodness to follow another? Have they become children of disobedience and defiance? 

Return to Me declares the Lord. Humble yourselves before the Lord your God, the creator of heaven and earth. Remove the garments of your unrighteousness and repent of your ways.  Return to Me with your whole heart that I may be seen among you and the nations witness My love towards you.  May the confessions of your mouth be that of truth and sorrow of the wickedness that has filled your hearts, so that you may find mercy from Me says the Lord.  That I may pardon your iniquities and restore you to your station of blessings and your calling of holiness.  You are to bear My image within the earth. My life is to shine in you as a light for all to see. The preservation of righteousness has been given to you as those called to be salt in the earth. Rise up My people into the glory of your God.  Walk in the ways of your heavenly Father. Love what is good, holy and true. Abandon your devotion to this world and the things in it.  Set your heart on Me and seek first My Kingdom.  What good thing will I withhold from you, says the Lord? What will you lose in this life that I will not repay 100-fold both in this life and the life to come? The world promises good things, but they come with sorrow.  My blessings come without sorrow. When I shake creation, will you be shaken? When I judge the sons of men, will you stand among them? When I visit the earth with My wrath, will you suffer? For those in whom I abide and abide in Me, I will be their refuge, their strength.  I will deliver them, says the Lord. I will be their high tower, their shield and shelter. They will not fear nor be afraid.  In the seasons of calamity they will take courage and not faint.  They are sealed by My Spirit marked by My salvation.  I am the I am and there is none like Me. I am the living God and My word does not fail, declares the Lord.


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